Archive for the ‘RMNP’ Category

Snow Shoes

December 29, 2008
The more I come to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado the more I enjoy it. No matter what season it is I always find something different, unique or just plain eye catching. I only managed to get one day of snowshoeing in during the Christmas break but it was a great afternoon.

I decided to go up to Bear Lake and try a trail over to Bierstadt Lake from there. It looked like there would be a 500ft climb out of Bear Lake and then pretty flat into Bierstadt Lake, and then another climb back into Bear Lake. The weather was ok, about 30 degrees but with a 15-20mph wind. Once I got into the forest the wind pretty much died down and was only noticeable at the tree tops and creaking noises that the trees were making as the wind blew through them.

The self taken picture to the right doesn’t show any wind and my hair is all puffy from wearing a hat (which I took off for the picture).

As you can see from some of the pictures there was plenty of snow up in RMNP. The snow was fresh and powdery, and if you went off the trail too far you were assured to sink down about 8-10 inches without too much effort. The trail I decided to take worked out very well and although it was a bit crowded on the way out it was empty on my return back. I think that I ended up avoided the crowds by going later in the day as I didn’t get to Bear Lake until about 2pm. The sun went down over the mountain about 90 minutes later but there was plenty of day light until 5:30pm.

After I was done with my 4 miles of snowshoeing I got back to the nearly empty parking lot and took my gear off. The wind was still blowing pretty good and the few people that were left at Bear Lake were either trying to get into the cars to stay warm or taking the last pictures of the day.

It was a short day for me but very enjoyable and as I headed through the park to get back to Estes Park and eventually Fort Collins I came upon a traffic jam. This is nearly the same spot that we stopped at a few days earlier and for the same reason, near Moraine Park. A massive herd of elk was moving across the road. In RMNP you must stop for the elk that are crossing the road. Even if you didn’t know that you surely wouldn’t want to challege these animals as they cross the road. I stopped with the others and got some really good shots before my cameras battery went completely dead. I did get a picture of the buck that had yet to cross the road with my cell phone. It is amazing to watch these animals. After about 20 minutes I moved on and headed down the mountain.

Snow Shoes

December 29, 2008
The more I come to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado the more I enjoy it. No matter what season it is I always find something different, unique or just plain eye catching. I only managed to get one day of snowshoeing in during the Christmas break but it was a great afternoon.

I decided to go up to Bear Lake and try a trail over to Bierstadt Lake from there. It looked like there would be a 500ft climb out of Bear Lake and then pretty flat into Bierstadt Lake, and then another climb back into Bear Lake. The weather was ok, about 30 degrees but with a 15-20mph wind. Once I got into the forest the wind pretty much died down and was only noticeable at the tree tops and creaking noises that the trees were making as the wind blew through them.

The self taken picture to the right doesn’t show any wind and my hair is all puffy from wearing a hat (which I took off for the picture).

As you can see from some of the pictures there was plenty of snow up in RMNP. The snow was fresh and powdery, and if you went off the trail too far you were assured to sink down about 8-10 inches without too much effort. The trail I decided to take worked out very well and although it was a bit crowded on the way out it was empty on my return back. I think that I ended up avoided the crowds by going later in the day as I didn’t get to Bear Lake until about 2pm. The sun went down over the mountain about 90 minutes later but there was plenty of day light until 5:30pm.

After I was done with my 4 miles of snowshoeing I got back to the nearly empty parking lot and took my gear off. The wind was still blowing pretty good and the few people that were left at Bear Lake were either trying to get into the cars to stay warm or taking the last pictures of the day.

It was a short day for me but very enjoyable and as I headed through the park to get back to Estes Park and eventually Fort Collins I came upon a traffic jam. This is nearly the same spot that we stopped at a few days earlier and for the same reason, near Moraine Park. A massive herd of elk was moving across the road. In RMNP you must stop for the elk that are crossing the road. Even if you didn’t know that you surely wouldn’t want to challege these animals as they cross the road. I stopped with the others and got some really good shots before my cameras battery went completely dead. I did get a picture of the buck that had yet to cross the road with my cell phone. It is amazing to watch these animals. After about 20 minutes I moved on and headed down the mountain.

Snow Shoes

December 29, 2008
The more I come to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado the more I enjoy it. No matter what season it is I always find something different, unique or just plain eye catching. I only managed to get one day of snowshoeing in during the Christmas break but it was a great afternoon.

I decided to go up to Bear Lake and try a trail over to Bierstadt Lake from there. It looked like there would be a 500ft climb out of Bear Lake and then pretty flat into Bierstadt Lake, and then another climb back into Bear Lake. The weather was ok, about 30 degrees but with a 15-20mph wind. Once I got into the forest the wind pretty much died down and was only noticeable at the tree tops and creaking noises that the trees were making as the wind blew through them.

The self taken picture to the right doesn’t show any wind and my hair is all puffy from wearing a hat (which I took off for the picture).

As you can see from some of the pictures there was plenty of snow up in RMNP. The snow was fresh and powdery, and if you went off the trail too far you were assured to sink down about 8-10 inches without too much effort. The trail I decided to take worked out very well and although it was a bit crowded on the way out it was empty on my return back. I think that I ended up avoided the crowds by going later in the day as I didn’t get to Bear Lake until about 2pm. The sun went down over the mountain about 90 minutes later but there was plenty of day light until 5:30pm.

After I was done with my 4 miles of snowshoeing I got back to the nearly empty parking lot and took my gear off. The wind was still blowing pretty good and the few people that were left at Bear Lake were either trying to get into the cars to stay warm or taking the last pictures of the day.

It was a short day for me but very enjoyable and as I headed through the park to get back to Estes Park and eventually Fort Collins I came upon a traffic jam. This is nearly the same spot that we stopped at a few days earlier and for the same reason, near Moraine Park. A massive herd of elk was moving across the road. In RMNP you must stop for the elk that are crossing the road. Even if you didn’t know that you surely wouldn’t want to challege these animals as they cross the road. I stopped with the others and got some really good shots before my cameras battery went completely dead. I did get a picture of the buck that had yet to cross the road with my cell phone. It is amazing to watch these animals. After about 20 minutes I moved on and headed down the mountain.

Christmas in Colorado

December 28, 2008

Another Christmas in the Colorado Rockies has passed and Santa has come and gone. Lauren, Maddy and Daniel have all gone back to Las Vegas and Karen and I are still in Colorado through the new year. Karen and I took Daniel up to Rocky Mountain National Park earlier in the week, and had a chance to see the Rockies in the snow as well as a few herd of Elk. The last herd that we saw had stopped traffic on one of the major roads through the park so I decided to take some video which you can watch below.

After we saw the Elk and went through a quick tour of the eastern part of the park we went back into Estes Park and stopped at the Stanley Hotel (where The Shining was filmed). The hotel is old but in very good shape. This is the hotel that President Roosevelt used to stay at during his frequent visits to the area. The hotel is pretty awesome and there looked like a ghost tour was going on while we were in the lobby.

Even with the cold weather up here I have been able to get some running in with a little strength training in the gym as well. I had a good five mile run today and will be getting back on the bike once we get back to Las Vegas on either January 3rd or 4th. I need to find some time to get a swim in while I am here (in the gym!).

Tomorrow I plan on going snowshoeing in Rocky Mountain National Park and hopefully I will get up there once or maybe twice more before we head back to Las Vegas. I will take some pictures tomorrow as the scenery should be great with all the snow that the mountains have been getting. I think I will try some different routes than I have done in the past but still be in the general area of Bear Lake (there is a weather station there so you can check current temps). I will take some pictures and will get a new post up as soon as possible.

Christmas in Colorado

December 28, 2008

Another Christmas in the Colorado Rockies has passed and Santa has come and gone. Lauren, Maddy and Daniel have all gone back to Las Vegas and Karen and I are still in Colorado through the new year. Karen and I took Daniel up to Rocky Mountain National Park earlier in the week, and had a chance to see the Rockies in the snow as well as a few herd of Elk. The last herd that we saw had stopped traffic on one of the major roads through the park so I decided to take some video which you can watch below.

After we saw the Elk and went through a quick tour of the eastern part of the park we went back into Estes Park and stopped at the Stanley Hotel (where The Shining was filmed). The hotel is old but in very good shape. This is the hotel that President Roosevelt used to stay at during his frequent visits to the area. The hotel is pretty awesome and there looked like a ghost tour was going on while we were in the lobby.

Even with the cold weather up here I have been able to get some running in with a little strength training in the gym as well. I had a good five mile run today and will be getting back on the bike once we get back to Las Vegas on either January 3rd or 4th. I need to find some time to get a swim in while I am here (in the gym!).

Tomorrow I plan on going snowshoeing in Rocky Mountain National Park and hopefully I will get up there once or maybe twice more before we head back to Las Vegas. I will take some pictures tomorrow as the scenery should be great with all the snow that the mountains have been getting. I think I will try some different routes than I have done in the past but still be in the general area of Bear Lake (there is a weather station there so you can check current temps). I will take some pictures and will get a new post up as soon as possible.

Christmas in Colorado

December 28, 2008

Another Christmas in the Colorado Rockies has passed and Santa has come and gone. Lauren, Maddy and Daniel have all gone back to Las Vegas and Karen and I are still in Colorado through the new year. Karen and I took Daniel up to Rocky Mountain National Park earlier in the week, and had a chance to see the Rockies in the snow as well as a few herd of Elk. The last herd that we saw had stopped traffic on one of the major roads through the park so I decided to take some video which you can watch below.

After we saw the Elk and went through a quick tour of the eastern part of the park we went back into Estes Park and stopped at the Stanley Hotel (where The Shining was filmed). The hotel is old but in very good shape. This is the hotel that President Roosevelt used to stay at during his frequent visits to the area. The hotel is pretty awesome and there looked like a ghost tour was going on while we were in the lobby.

Even with the cold weather up here I have been able to get some running in with a little strength training in the gym as well. I had a good five mile run today and will be getting back on the bike once we get back to Las Vegas on either January 3rd or 4th. I need to find some time to get a swim in while I am here (in the gym!).

Tomorrow I plan on going snowshoeing in Rocky Mountain National Park and hopefully I will get up there once or maybe twice more before we head back to Las Vegas. I will take some pictures tomorrow as the scenery should be great with all the snow that the mountains have been getting. I think I will try some different routes than I have done in the past but still be in the general area of Bear Lake (there is a weather station there so you can check current temps). I will take some pictures and will get a new post up as soon as possible.

Looking forward to 2009

December 8, 2008

Wow, where did 2008 go? I know it isn’t over yet but with everything we have to do by Christmas I know that the rest of the year will pass quickly. I have already started to think about 2009. Actually, I am really looking forward to 2009 and here is why:

  1. My consulting business seems to be picking up steam and 2009 looks like it could be alot of fun.
  2. I feel better. Essentially taking the summer off from work allowed me to get some great rides in and complete my first triathlon. When you feel better physically you also have more energy to tackle projects.
  3. I joined my local triathlon, Las Vegas Triathlon Club (, to help me with training and local events.
  4. I joined Multisport Ministries,, which I am really excited about. MsM will help me in triathlons but more importantly I think it will help me in life by connecting with people who share the faith and have similar interests.
  5. Ride the Rockies 2009, what a great ride we had this year and I am really looking forward to riding my fourth consecutive Ride the Rockies next year. I am trying to get a team of folks together to join me so we’ll see how it goes. Even if I entered alone you never ride alone when there are 2,500 other riders.
  6. Fishing the Colorado Rockies in 2009. I tend to get myself involved in too many hobbies (cycling, triathlons, fishing, backpacking, camping, etc.) but I really enjoy them. When my legs are tired from triathlon training I am going to spend time fly fishing in Colorado. What a way to spend the summer days.
  7. Family. It can be tough coordinating all the schedules around our house but we always seems to have fun and enjoy ourselves. I am looking forward to spending time with the family during Christmas and whenever we get an excuse to during 2009.

Seven things that really stand out for me and I guess that seven is the lucky number for 2009.

I think our Christmas plans are finally set and it looks like most of the family will by going to Colorado on the Saturday before Christmas with the rest of the family heading up on Sunday. Why are we going at different times? See item #7 above, we have complex schedules. First, because Daniel Cooke is staying with us we would have to take two vehicles to Colorado to fit all of the family, gear, clothes and presents. Second, Maddy has a soccer tournament on Saturday so she had to stay an extra day as will I and Henry. So, we are flying some of the family up and then yours truly will drive up with the rest the next day. The kids all fly back on the 26th but Karen and I will stay up through the new year.

Daniel Cooke will be staying with us from December 17 – 26. Daniel is a 16 year old gifted ballet dancer who has had some family problems. He plans to head off to Boston early next year to attend Walnut Hill boarding school of the arts on a full scholarship. We thought having him with us for Christmas in Colorado would be a great idea and he is really looking forward to it. Per my earlier email sent out to friends, family and colleagues I am still looking for any help that people that people to give Daniel, clothes, money, gift cards, etc. Contact me if you need more info.

Lastly, snowshoeing in Colorado. While we are up for Christmas we plan to do some snowshoeing and take the kids up to the mountains for a day of snow play. I promise to post some pictures of both events on future blog postings.

Looking forward to 2009

December 8, 2008

Wow, where did 2008 go? I know it isn’t over yet but with everything we have to do by Christmas I know that the rest of the year will pass quickly. I have already started to think about 2009. Actually, I am really looking forward to 2009 and here is why:

  1. My consulting business seems to be picking up steam and 2009 looks like it could be alot of fun.
  2. I feel better. Essentially taking the summer off from work allowed me to get some great rides in and complete my first triathlon. When you feel better physically you also have more energy to tackle projects.
  3. I joined my local triathlon, Las Vegas Triathlon Club (, to help me with training and local events.
  4. I joined Multisport Ministries,, which I am really excited about. MsM will help me in triathlons but more importantly I think it will help me in life by connecting with people who share the faith and have similar interests.
  5. Ride the Rockies 2009, what a great ride we had this year and I am really looking forward to riding my fourth consecutive Ride the Rockies next year. I am trying to get a team of folks together to join me so we’ll see how it goes. Even if I entered alone you never ride alone when there are 2,500 other riders.
  6. Fishing the Colorado Rockies in 2009. I tend to get myself involved in too many hobbies (cycling, triathlons, fishing, backpacking, camping, etc.) but I really enjoy them. When my legs are tired from triathlon training I am going to spend time fly fishing in Colorado. What a way to spend the summer days.
  7. Family. It can be tough coordinating all the schedules around our house but we always seems to have fun and enjoy ourselves. I am looking forward to spending time with the family during Christmas and whenever we get an excuse to during 2009.

Seven things that really stand out for me and I guess that seven is the lucky number for 2009.

I think our Christmas plans are finally set and it looks like most of the family will by going to Colorado on the Saturday before Christmas with the rest of the family heading up on Sunday. Why are we going at different times? See item #7 above, we have complex schedules. First, because Daniel Cooke is staying with us we would have to take two vehicles to Colorado to fit all of the family, gear, clothes and presents. Second, Maddy has a soccer tournament on Saturday so she had to stay an extra day as will I and Henry. So, we are flying some of the family up and then yours truly will drive up with the rest the next day. The kids all fly back on the 26th but Karen and I will stay up through the new year.

Daniel Cooke will be staying with us from December 17 – 26. Daniel is a 16 year old gifted ballet dancer who has had some family problems. He plans to head off to Boston early next year to attend Walnut Hill boarding school of the arts on a full scholarship. We thought having him with us for Christmas in Colorado would be a great idea and he is really looking forward to it. Per my earlier email sent out to friends, family and colleagues I am still looking for any help that people that people to give Daniel, clothes, money, gift cards, etc. Contact me if you need more info.

Lastly, snowshoeing in Colorado. While we are up for Christmas we plan to do some snowshoeing and take the kids up to the mountains for a day of snow play. I promise to post some pictures of both events on future blog postings.

Looking forward to 2009

December 8, 2008

Wow, where did 2008 go? I know it isn’t over yet but with everything we have to do by Christmas I know that the rest of the year will pass quickly. I have already started to think about 2009. Actually, I am really looking forward to 2009 and here is why:

  1. My consulting business seems to be picking up steam and 2009 looks like it could be alot of fun.
  2. I feel better. Essentially taking the summer off from work allowed me to get some great rides in and complete my first triathlon. When you feel better physically you also have more energy to tackle projects.
  3. I joined my local triathlon, Las Vegas Triathlon Club (, to help me with training and local events.
  4. I joined Multisport Ministries,, which I am really excited about. MsM will help me in triathlons but more importantly I think it will help me in life by connecting with people who share the faith and have similar interests.
  5. Ride the Rockies 2009, what a great ride we had this year and I am really looking forward to riding my fourth consecutive Ride the Rockies next year. I am trying to get a team of folks together to join me so we’ll see how it goes. Even if I entered alone you never ride alone when there are 2,500 other riders.
  6. Fishing the Colorado Rockies in 2009. I tend to get myself involved in too many hobbies (cycling, triathlons, fishing, backpacking, camping, etc.) but I really enjoy them. When my legs are tired from triathlon training I am going to spend time fly fishing in Colorado. What a way to spend the summer days.
  7. Family. It can be tough coordinating all the schedules around our house but we always seems to have fun and enjoy ourselves. I am looking forward to spending time with the family during Christmas and whenever we get an excuse to during 2009.

Seven things that really stand out for me and I guess that seven is the lucky number for 2009.

I think our Christmas plans are finally set and it looks like most of the family will by going to Colorado on the Saturday before Christmas with the rest of the family heading up on Sunday. Why are we going at different times? See item #7 above, we have complex schedules. First, because Daniel Cooke is staying with us we would have to take two vehicles to Colorado to fit all of the family, gear, clothes and presents. Second, Maddy has a soccer tournament on Saturday so she had to stay an extra day as will I and Henry. So, we are flying some of the family up and then yours truly will drive up with the rest the next day. The kids all fly back on the 26th but Karen and I will stay up through the new year.

Daniel Cooke will be staying with us from December 17 – 26. Daniel is a 16 year old gifted ballet dancer who has had some family problems. He plans to head off to Boston early next year to attend Walnut Hill boarding school of the arts on a full scholarship. We thought having him with us for Christmas in Colorado would be a great idea and he is really looking forward to it. Per my earlier email sent out to friends, family and colleagues I am still looking for any help that people that people to give Daniel, clothes, money, gift cards, etc. Contact me if you need more info.

Lastly, snowshoeing in Colorado. While we are up for Christmas we plan to do some snowshoeing and take the kids up to the mountains for a day of snow play. I promise to post some pictures of both events on future blog postings.

Snow in August?

August 18, 2008
Stranger things have happened when it comes to Colorado weather. I was scheduled to go on a backpacking trip last weekend in Rocky Mountain National Park. However, that was cncelled by work that was needed to be done on a client proposal, and a huge storm that moved into the area. We had non-stop rain for about 2.5 days over the weekend.
When I went running this morning I saw this view of the mountains (click on the picture to get a larger view). Those are the mountains I would have been camping in at about 10,500 feet. Camping in cold weather or even snow isn’t too bad if the snow is already on the ground, but hiking in cold rainy snowy weather just didn’t seem like much fun. I may just do a long day hike next Sunday up to the same spot, Fern Lake, and call it good.